3D Sisterhood


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About the project

The 3D Sisterhood project plans to set up a 3D printing farm in a community house in the village Baranivka in the Sumy region of Ukraine. The community house is supported by the association Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa e.V. (InMOE), which has significant experience in the field of 3D printing.  


Expanding educational opportunities for children, young people and adults in the rural area


To enable the community center to produce objects and offer courses with which it can generate income to become less dependent on donations


If the project is successful, it can also serve as a model for other municipalities in rural areas and the concept can be transferred


Support and empower women in the field of 3d printing, promote solidarity, sisterhood and activism


To give war-disabled people with prostheses the opportunity to create their own useful tools that make everyday life easier

About Baranivka

Baranivka Community House Project was created in 2010 in the Ukrainian village of Baranivka of around 300 residents by a group of young Ukrainians who were inspired by the F4F trainings .
This project started as an idea to create an ideal community that lives by the universal values of freedom, non-violence, diversity, friendship and common action, and shares the values of the IofC community. Guided by this idea and with the support of the organization, friends, romantics and idealists came together to bring these values to life through the construction of a house to serve as a training center in a picturesque area in central Ukraine. 
Now, Baranivka is a land-based, community-driven regenerative project, with the mission to be a safe space, that promotes peace, international collaboration, and artistic expression. It currently serves as an eco-retreat and a safe place for those impacted by war, primarily women, volunteers, soldiers on a vacation and artists in war.

Project 1

Sisters can make it 

Proof of Concept

Short project phase description

Project phase 1 – “Sisters can make it” (Proof of Concept) is the first part of the 3D-Sisterhood Project, which aims to set up and run a 3D printing lab in the Ukrainian village of Baranivka, in Poltava Oblast (approx. 300 inhabitants).After intensive training by InMOE and familiarization with the technology, the community house members will conduct several training sessions with children, young people and other villagers in Baranivka. War-disabled people with prostheses should also take part in the training sessions. 

Project phase description

• Project duration: January 2025 – January 2026 (1 Year)• Training of 2 – 3 Ukrainian people in the basics of 3D printing and 3D modelling, who will later be trainers in Baranivka (Poltava Oblast). The training will take place online and offline. The offline training is around 2 days and will be held in Berlin.• Providing the Community House Baranivka with two 3D printers and a laptop, some 3D printing materials and basics equipment.• The Ukrainian trainers focus on testing the technology and conducting several workshops in the village with children, youth and adults to become well-trained instructors.• The Ukrainian trainers will also focus on finding participants with a missing arm or hand and ideally who already have prostheses. The trainers will also conduct surveys to find out what kind of 3D printed gadgets/tools would be useful for the participants. Together with the help of the trainers the participants will create first tools.• The trainers together with InMOE will create/find products (accessories, tools, ...), that InMOE and Baranivka can produce using the 3D printing technology as giveaways for donors, or to sell commercially with the aim to finance Baranivka and (partly) InMOE in the long run.• Transfer of gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on how to run trainings focusing on participants with prothesis.

Project timeline

Starting sometime in Jan/Feb 2025• Trainings in Berlin and online• Printers are setup in BaranivkaFrom Mar 2025• Trainers practice in Baranivka• Trainers find first participants preparing local workshopsFrom Apr 2025• Running local workshops with children, teenagers and adults• Finding participants with prothesis, doing surveys and running workshops with them• Documenting project progress with photos, videos and reportsFrom June 2025• Developing and producing sellable products in Baranivka• Selling first products• Project results are shared and analyzed with project partners and documented on the InMOE Website

Project phase aims

● InMOE is already teaching various young people in Berlin in 3D modelling and 3D printing. Project phase 1 shall prove that InMOE’s teaching concept is transferable to a village/community center in Ukraine.• Additionally, it shall prove that war-disabled are interested in learning 3D printing to create useful tools to improve their daily lives.• It shall also prove that NGOs / village community centers can use the 3D printing technology to produce and sell products to generate some income to make them less dependent on donations and more financially sustainable in the long run.• Knowledge transfer between Berlin and Baranivka.

Measurable project phase results

● First workshops for children, teenagers and adults are conducted by the local trainers• Useful products are 3D printed in Baranivka • A survey with 10-20 participants with prothesis is being conducted● Participants with prothesis learn the basics of 3D modelling and 3D printing and useful tools are designed and 3D printed for them.

Project 2 – “Sisters can run it”

Short project phase description

Project phase 2 – “Sisters can run it” is the second part of the 3D-Sisterhood Project. The aim of Project phase 2 – “Sisters can run it” is to offer regular 3D printing courses in Baranivka for children, teenagers, adults and war-disabled people with prostheses. Ultimately, it should be researched and tested in which extent the 3D printing technology can be used for creating needed construction tools / building material in the context of rural areas / villages.

Project phase description

• Project phase duration: Jan 2026 – Jan 2027 (1 Year)• Upgrading the facility with more 3D printers and other technical equipment for teaching groups of up to 8 participants at once.• Giving additional education for 2 – 3 trainers from Ukraine (who are already trainers in Baranivka), to give them deeper knowledge for more training possibilities.• Start running regular 3D printing training courses for children, teenagers and adults• Start first 3D printing training courses for Ukrainian people who have already a prothesis and/or their relatives, who usually support them.• Researching in which extend the 3D printing technology can be used for creating needed construction tools / building material in the context of rural areas / villages.• Invite adults from other villages nearby for first trainings.• Transferring gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on how to run trainings for participants with prothesis.• Transferring gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on how to run trainings for children.• Transferring gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on needed construction tools / building material in the context of rural areas / villages.Important project phase aspects such as timeline, aims, measurable results, costs, roles and responsibilities, sustainability, fundraising strategy and risk management will be determined at a later stage.However, we estimate the total project 2 costs at 8000€.

Project 3 – “Sisters can spread it”

Short project phase description

Project phase 3 – “Sisters can spread it” is the third part of the 3D-Sisterhood Project.
The aim is to expand the know-how of the trainers and the courses offered in Baranivka to include plastic recycling. Furthermore, the courses should be standardized (course content, machines, etc., ...) so that a community center in a “partner village” could be won for the implementation.

Project phase description

• Project phase duration: Jan 2027 – Jan 2028 (1 Year)• Upgrading the facility with some plastic recycling machines.• Upgrading the facility with 5 Laptops.• Giving additional training for 2 – 3 trainers from Ukraine (who are already trainers in Baranivka) with the focus on recycling in context of 3D printing.• Runing regular 3D printing training courses for people who have already a prothesis and/or their relatives, who usually support them.o The created tools should include some IoT components.• Starting regular 3D printing workshops for children in the village Baranivka and villages nearby. o This workshop should include the teaching of general knowledge about different plastic types and plastic recycling methods.• Starting the production of needed construction tools / building material in the context of rural areas / villages (this might require buying 2 – 3 more printers).• Transferring gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on how to run trainings with including IoT and plastic recycling.• Transferring gained knowledge back to Germany (InMOE) on needed construction tools / building material in the context of rural areas / villages.• Preparing a concept to advance the concept in another village and find one partner village who agrees in participating.• Becoming financially self-sustaining.Important project phase aspects such as timeline, aims, measurable results, costs, roles and responsibilities, sustainability, fundraising strategy and risk management will be determined at a later stage.However, we estimate the total project 3 costs at 6000 - 8000€.

How can you support the 3D Sisterhood project

To realize this ambitious project collaboration and support from various local partners, institutes, NGOs, sponsors and volunteers is needed.
For running the workshops we need materials such as 3D printers, 3D scanners, filaments, Arduino Kits and money to pay for the teachers and for the workshop room.



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Fund raisers

Robot components

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3D Printing - Outline - 036 - FilamentCreated with Sketch.

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