InMOE Fashion Jam in Berlin

Regular community meeting to learn more about sustainable fashion and fashion innovations.
This gethering is part of our 3DECO Project and our 3D Printing & Fashion Upgrading Workshops

3D Fashion Jam

Join our regular, cozy and exciting community meetings where we discuss newest trends and developments in context of sustainable fashion and fashion innovations. But, we don't just chat, we also try to design sustainable clothes and accessories ourselves using 3d printing technology and give each other motivation and valuable tips.


What happens in our InMOE Fashion Jams

  • ● We are inviting a speaker gives a short presentation on a relevant topic such as sustainability, 3D design or circular economy in the context of fashion and have together discussions

    ● Participants will present their most recently developed 3D fashion designs, which will also be reviewed and discussed.● After all, people laugh, snack, drink and build up valuable tips and maybe hope to the next cozy bar or stay in the studio for some more drinks

What happens after each Jam

  • ● You go home inspired and motivated.● Work on your own small or big idea. You can use our 3D printers, sewing machines and other tools.● As soon as you have a presentable intermediate result, you are welcome to present it at the next InMOE Fashion Jam.● InMOE wants to organize at least one fashion show per year focusing on fashion in context of circular economy. There you could present your creation.


Community Building

  • Become part of our Berlin based 3D printing community that researches 3D printing in the context of sustainability, upcycling, fashion creation, social empowerment and supports each other in the creation of meaningful objects.



    You speak English and you live in Berlin

    You are a InMOE member or have previously participated in one of our projects or workshops or you are invited by one of us

    Young minded person & have willingness to contribute to the society

    You are a a fashion designer or representative of another NGO and you want to get to know us

Our Fashion Jam is primarily for designers who want to contribute to sustainable fashion and also to develop 3D printed fashion.
Since we want to build a community in Berlin, especially in the context of our other upcoming projects, we are looking for participants who would like to join us in the long term and be ready to contribute to build up a community in Berlin. 
English is our primary language of communication. But we speak also German and other languages. As women are underrepresented in the tech scene, we especially want to motivate them to participate in our workshops and Fashion Jams.

Place - Time - Costs

Our next Fashion jam will take place Thursday, Febraury 13th in Berlin in Prenzlauer Berg. We start from 18:00 and it goes until about 20:00.
A maximum of 15 people can participate in our Jam.The participation in the Jam is donation-based.We recommend a donation of 2€ to 5€. Feel free to bring some snacks/ drinks, too.


Feel free to write us here

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What do we collect donations for?

We are currently collecting donations for our 3D-Sisterhood projekt to purchase two 3D-Printers, a laptop and a powerbank and cover travelling costs. 10% of the donations are used to cover InMOE's adminstrative costs.

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