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Give impetus

InMOE is an international non-profit organisation that strengthens, unites, and inspires young civil society actors to create positive change in their communities.
We are currently focusing on teaching exciting new technologies to inspire people to approach social and ecological challanges with new methods.


Current Projects

Projects you can participate in!

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Status: Ongoing

Project series: 3D-Empowerment

Over the next five years, we want to enable over 300 committed people to make practical use of 3D printing technology. The circular economy, upcycling and recycling are core topics of our training courses and projects.By the end of 2027, we want to operate a facility in Berlin that educates, creates local innovation, has a positive social impact and builds long-term friendships and partnerships.
Our current and planned projects:● 3D-ECO: Running since January 2024 and funded by Erasmus+ ● InMOE Fashion Jams in Berlin: 14th October 2024● 3D-ECO-Fashion: Starts in December 2024 and is funded by Erasmus+ ● 3D-Sisterhood: Starts at the end of 2024 and will be largely funded by donations● 3D printing upcycling workshops in Berlin: Starts in 2025

Status: Ongoing

3D-ECO Course

3D-ECO offers innovative workshops, providing introductory training in 3D printing, plastic recycling, and clothing upcycling.  By the end of the trainings, 40 participants will show their gained skills by combining own 3D printed objects with upcycled clothing to create and campaign their own slogans for freedom, mutual respect, democracy, environment, support of Ukraine or other important messages.
This project is funded by the European Union through Erasmus+

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Status: Ongoing

Fashion Upgrading Workshop in Berlin

Bring old clothes that you no longer wear to our workshop. There you will learn the basics of 3D modeling and 3D printing. Afterwards, we'll work out how to make your clothes enjoyable to wear again with 3D printed enhancements.
In particular, we want encourage women to participate in our programs, as they are still underrepresented in the area of tech.

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Status: Starts14th October 2024

InMOE Fashion Jam in Berlin

Join our regular, cozy and exciting meetings where we discuss newest trends and development in context of 3D printed fashion and sustainability. But, we don't just chat, we also try to design sustainable clothes and accessories ourselves with 3D printing and give each other motivation and valuable tips.

Our InMOE MakerLab

Our Equipment

We have invested in several modern 3D printers from Prusa and BambuLab, 3D scanners, high quality Singer sewing machines, plastic shredder and filament making machine from Felfil, a photstudio and more - to enable members and civil society actors to create meaningful tools.

What happens in our MakerLab

● Workshops on 3D printing and 3D modelling● Workshops upgrading undesired or damaged clothes with 3D printing an make it wearable again ● Run workshops on plastic recycling in context of 3D printing● Experiement with new materials and techonolgies in context of sustainable fashion and 3D printing

Cooperate and empower members, private initiatives and other NGOs

You have a private initative with the idea to create postive change in your community using new technology?You are member of an NGO and you think our workshops could empower your member to create more impact?Awesome! Feel free to contact us and see if we can collaborate! 

Work together with companies interested in Cooperate Social Responibility (CSR)

Your are a company and you want to increase not just the shareholder value but also the stakeholder value? Would you like to bring about positive change in your employees' community with the help of new technologies?Awesome! Feel free to contact us and see if we can collaborate! 

Past Projects

Take a look on what we did in the past



"Interactive Art Days with Input on Protest Art in Eastern Europe!"


CEE – School for Youth Campaigners

Learn effective activism by implementing your own project idea – We will guide you with trainings and you will also recieve financial support for your project!
The project is funded under the grant program “MEET UP! Youth for Partnership” by the Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office.


“Youth for Dialogue” (Y4D) – Spring Academy for Youth Workers

4-week online training “Youth for Dialogue”. Participants will learn the methodology and different tools of “Dialogue” as a form of communication and dealing with conflicts, in order to run their own dialogues back home with young people from their community. 


Your rights, our fight

How does the perception of LGBTQI rights look like in Germany and Ukraine - and how much do we know about as the citizens of these respective counties? How does the inclusion of LGBTQI rights and anti-discriminatory approaches function in these two countries on the institutional, cultural, societal, and personal levels?


Erasmus+: Forum Diversity

In the context of globalization, societal changes and migration, our societies become more and more diverse. There are many factors for Diversity in society: ethnicity, language, religion, gender, culture or politics. Also in Central and Eastern Europe the topic of Diversity, caused by migration, becomes visible, and awareness, acceptance, tolerance and integration vary on a large scale.


Erasmus+: Digitalized - Youth Camp on Transparency and Security in the Digital World

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Erasmmus+: Civil Society Welcoming Refugees in Europe

The Forum is an opportunity for actively engaged helpers to step out of their work and meet with other like-minded and similarly engaged activists, volunteers, social workers etc. The purpose is to deliberate the situation, exchange experiences and inspire or even coordinate next steps of (transnational) action.


Reinforce your real strengths



Embodied Leadership

Embodied Leadership is about using a variety of physical exercises including the Viewpoints Technique, Vipassana Meditation, and Contemplative Improvisation Training. We explore the dynamic relationship between collaboration leadership and personal change.


Identity and Diversity – Society for Change

Embodied Leadership is about using a variety of physical exercises including the Viewpoints Technique, Vipassana Meditation, and Contemplative Improvisation Training. We explore the dynamic relationship between collaboration leadership and personal change.


Erasmus+: Inside Out Leadership

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Erasmus+: Let's dance together to overcome social and cultural barriers!

We invite young people from Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Romania to take part in the youth exchange “Let's dance together to overcome social and cultural barriers!” and to reflect together how to overcome existing in society barriers and stereotypes using creative methods.


Auswärtiges Amt: Diversity School - Toolkit for young leader

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Chances of Diversity: Youth Initiatives and Peacebuilding in Eastern Europe

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Basic Project-Management Training in Berlin:

Young active people from Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Germany received a three-day basic training in skills and knowledge necessary to implement their projects.


Facilitating Change – The Role of Youth Initiatives in International Understanding

4-day forum for 50 people from six European Countries (individuals & organisations) to learn and exchange on questions of understanding in Central & Eastern Europe and the specific Role of Youth Initiatives in this matter. There will be workshops, experience sharing, and networking activities.


Eutopia – A practice seminar on Permaculture, Downshifting and Community Spirit 

How does a community work? How can a community achieve self-sufficiency? What is permaculture and how can I integrate it into my life? Interested in experimenting and finding your answers? Join our practice seminar for the opportunity to experience & exchange in an international group the principles of permaculture, downshifting and community spirit!


Fund for Good - Basic Fundraising Training

The world and the needs of your community are ever-shifting, and to create the impact you want you must continuously grow and adapt.
We bring our combined 40+ years of expertise straight to your table, from courses to coaching to done-for-you services.


Steps of Tolerance

Young people from Belarus, Germany and Ukraine discover discrimination in daily life.The project is created in cooperation of the Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa (InMOE) e.V. with the Club for Young Leaders (Ukraine) and the New Faces (Belarus).


Generatia UA - Identity and Diversity:

Young people from Ukraine come together to discuss how diversity can be viewed as a gain in a country divided by conflict.


Network Development Workshop

What ego states and communitiy states do we need for effective-affective networking to take place? Is there a core scientific understanding? Is there a metaphysical-psychological understanding and need for us to wanting to network?



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About InMOE

The Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa e.V. (InMOE) is an international non-profit network that strengthens, unites, and inspires young civil society actors to effect positive change in their communities. Since 2008, we have conducted trainings, forums, and other events that empower individuals and foster international partnerships. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, we connect around 30 diverse member organizations from Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine.
InMOE is a Berlin based NGO with the focus on Eastern and Central Europe consisting of natural and juridical members from Germany, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.
The heart of InMOE is a value-based community organized by and for its members, allumni and partners of diverse backgrounds with shared interest for development of civil society in Central and Eastern Europe through local activities.
InMOE creates/provides space and opportunities for meaningful intercultural exchanges and encounters, value-based network in order to empower people to take action and bring change towards civil society.


Our Mission

Together we aim to foster a sustainable network of civil society actors and organizations founded on the values of tolerance, intercultural understanding and democratic governance


We initiate and support common and mutual qualification of our members.


We aid active exchanges between our members by regular interlinking offers. Besides this, we campaign for cultural and linguistic variety in the Network.

Give impetus

Oriented in our members’ requirements we give suggestions for efficient and innovative processes.

InMOE Values

These underlying values were identified in the time when the organization was created and are the basic values that are promoted by InMOE in its activities and working culture. Below is a short description of how we understand and practice them.  

  • Diversity  

    We welcome different cultures / religions / sexual orientations / minorities, etc. by doing an active search for differences and inviting them into the room and into our activities. 

  • Tolerance 

    We accept different opinions, ways of living and thinking, perceptions of the world. This excludes expressions of racism, xenophobia, sexism and other forms of discrimination. 

  • Bottom-up approach

    Decision-making in a non-hierarchical structure through consensus, taking into consideration votes and opinions of the civil society representatives, i.e. members of the organization and the network. 

  • Sustainability: personal and environmental 

    We care about each other on a personal level as well as care about environment. It is practiced in our organizational culture and through behaviors that we encourage, like using our working operational principles (see below) and being mindful and aware of the role we play in looking after the environment. 

  • Transparent and non-hierarchical governance 

    We are open about our activities, budgets and the ways how we operate. Although sometimes there is a project coordinator for our projects, as well as Head of the Board, we keep equal opportunities and equal value of the vote and opinion for all team members, using consensus as our main mean of interaction and decision-making. (Bodies only are implemented to maintain legal frames and working capability) 

  • Solidarity

    We show our support to discriminated groups / minorities and respond to their needs according to our capacities. We strive for a society where everyone has equal access to resources. We consider ourselves activists in the civil society.  


We support the development of young civil society initiatives in the following spheres:

  • Civic Capacity-Building

  • Technology, Arts & Culture

  • Human Rights & Diversity

  • Environmental & Sustainability   

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Get involved & become a member

Become a Member InMOE organizes several workshops and projects every year. As a member you can participate in our workshops, projects and even realize your own projects´ideas. You will have a lot of fun, learn a lot and receive the support of other members. You will have the possibility to use the machines in our InMOE MakerLab and do your own experiements with new technology.Membership fee is 15€ per year.
Member organizationIn case you represent a NGO or youth initiative, your NGO can become a member organization of InMOE. It is a great chance to collaborate for projects, grant applications or sharing knowledge.Your organization should be based in Central and Eastern Europe or be involved in this region.
Supporting memberThis is suitable for everybody appreciating our work and intending to support it financially. Moreover, you will always be up to date about current projects and you are more than welcome to contribute your ideas as well. If you are interested please send a message to the board.

Our Team


Otari Glonti

1st Chairperson

Otari is currently the first chairperson of InMOE. He works as an IT consultant and software developer in the areas of test automation and IT security. Creating new concepts, creating new tools and implementing ideas is his passion.Otari wants to empower young activists by giving them practical IT Know-How and Softskills to tackle social problems.


Timo Pfender

2st Chairperson

Timo holds a Bachelor degree in European Studies with a social science orientation and the geographical focus on Central- and Eastern Europe. At the moment he is studying social work.
Besides his interests in civil society development in Central- and Eastern Europe and Russia, Timo is passionate about communication, personal development and understanding societal conditions of social exclusion and discrimination and it´s consequences on the personality.


Sebastian Hasse


Sebastian studied computer science and is a certified mediator. He has been involved with InMOE for nine years now, three years as first chairperson. Sebastian loves stories and believes that paradoxes and contradictory perspectives are an essential part of human life.




In addition to his two years with InMOE, Fabian works as a project coordinator in the field of civil society funding for a German ministry. Before that, he was a volunteer at terre des hommes for four years and studied social sciences in Bochum, Bonn and Budapest. His professional interests include Hungary and the Western Balkans. Fabian will run the sessions on project management.


Alevtina Snihir


Alevtina studied intercultural communication, languages, and public relations. She has been involved with InMOE for nine years now, including second and first chairperson positions. She works in a Think Tank and focuses on civil society development in Belarus and other Central- and Eastern European countries. Alevtina is passionate about lifelong learning and believes that creating a proper learning environment opens different dimensions for development.


Pavel Kaliada


Pavel is an associate who has been actively participating in the organization's projects for over 10 years. He completed his European Volunteer Service with the organization and continues to contribute his expertise in new projects.

Pavel loves to travel, explore new countries, and meet people from diverse backgrounds. He is deeply involved in generating new project ideas, organizing and managing initiatives, and creating photos and videos for social media. A committed cosmopolitan and humanist, Pavel is passionate about using his skills to make a positive impact on society.

Our Partners


InMOE is a non-profit organisation. The board and all members contribute voluntarily to keep InMOE running and organizing meaningful projects. 
Your donation would help us to cover administrative costs and laverage our ability to impact society throw workshops and projects. 

Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa e.V.IBAN: DE80 3702 0500 0001 1107 00BIC: BFSWDE33XXX
As we are an officially registrated NGO, we are able to handle out a donation receipt.
Thanks a lot for your support.

Via Paypal

this is our link:

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War in Ukraine - We stand with Ukraine

Our offer to support Ukraine:
Please send us a short e-mail if you would like to connect with us and collaborate in supporting Ukraine: ed.eom-evitaitini%40dnatsrovDue to our long-standing connections through various projects supporting civil society in Central and Eastern Europe, we have very direct and trustworthy contacts which we are happy to share.
If you want to support the general support for Ukraine financially, we recommend the donation appeal of our partner organisation MitOst e.V.: you want to help people in war regions with medical supply, first aid kits, protective gear and functional clothing, we recomment to support Solidarity In Action and visit their website:

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